Monday, January 27, 2014

No Time

Hola familia y amigos!  

Hermana Tarax is awesome. She's 22 and from Guatemala. She even shorter than Hna. Salinas, can you believe it? She was 9 or 10 when she got baptized. Her whole family are members, but her and her younger sister are the only ones who are active. We already get along great! I was super surprised how easy the transition from companions was. She doesn't speak English, but I'm teaching her some phrases in English, so that's fun. Yesterday, she asked me to teach her the lyrics to the song "Call Me Maybe" hahaha. Hermana Tarax is probably the sweetest person alive. When she got to our house the first day here in Leon, she pulled out three stuffed animals and put them on her bed, told me each of their names, and gave one of them a kiss. Haha. She's always happy and loves to give hugs, and even though I'm not a very touchy person, I don't mind it because she's so easy to love. Super easy going and positive and has a really strong testimony. I am going to learn a lot from her. She always uses tons of great examples in the lessons and relates to the investigators really well.
Erg, I'm almost out of time. I will try to sum up Roger and Thomas really quick. They're a Catholic couple who are dedicated to their religion, but like to "listen to the word of God" so they let us teach them. Roger found a Book of Mormon in someone's trash a few years back and asked if he could have it. He started reading it, but stopped after a while. When we found him, he started reading it again. We left specific verses for him to read, but he took the iniciative to start reading from the beginning as well. He said he's reading about three pages a day and is planning on finished it. He and Thomasa came to church on Sunday. MIRACLE. We taught them again that night and shared the Restoration video and I stated crying when I bore my testimony at the end of that lesson. They both said they believe the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and I think Roger has come to the realization that this is the true church, but Thomasa is stubborn and bit prideful. She still says. "I like to listen, but I have my religion." She knows it's true, but won't accept the reality. We gonna be very clear and a bit bold with them in our lesson tonght. Hna. Tarax is positive they're going to get baptized. Sorry I don't have time to write more! But I did send pics! More next week! Love you all!

Hermana Hawkins

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