Sunday, November 2, 2014

Conference Weekend

Hola familia y amigos,
   This week was good because we got to see General Conference, but not so great because we had to drop about 80% of our investigators because they promised to go to Conference and didn't even make it to once session. Ok, I really don't have very much time to write so I'm just gonna share a cool miracle experience we had this week. Early in the week, we contacted a couple named Jamilet and Davin in the street and gave them a spur-of-the-moment tour of the church. They seemed to really like it and the husband whispered to his wife near the end of the tourm "Beautiful, right?". So we took down their address and went to find them later in the week, but as we went to look for their house, we realized I took down the address wrong and was missing the reference point. All we knew is that they live in a neighborhood called Camilo Ortega. There are two streets which are part of Camilo Ortega separated by another street with a different name. Anyway, we started asking people on the street if they knew them and no one did, and pretty soon it was clear we were gonna need a miracle to find them. My comp suggested we say a very specific prayer so we found a little alleyway where there weren´t any people and she offered it, asking that God would help us find the family if we talked with every person we came in contact with. After the prayer we went back out to the main street and the first person we saw was a little girl. We asked her and she didn't know them. Then a young guy came up the street and we asked him and he said he didn't know anyone on the street with those names. (At this point I was thinking we should just go to the other Camilo Ortega street.) Then a lady came up the street at the same time we noticed a lady at her window so Hna. Gubler told me to go talk with the first lady while she asked the lady at the window. I did and she didn't know her, so I went back over to where Hna. Gubler was and when I saw that the lady at the window was on the phone, thought `Let´s not bother her. Let`s go to the other street.` But then she put one finger up as if to say ´just a minute`. And next thing I know Jamilet´s face popped up in the window and I felt such a rush of suprise, excitement and gratitude in that moment. Definitely got a bit teary-eyed. Prayer works!! We only had to talk with 4 people in less than 4 minutes to be able to find their house! And I KNOW we wouldn't have found it without God's help and without talking with everyone. THAT was a miracle. So cool. What makes things even cooler is that she was the ONLY investigator who came to conference this weekend. This taught me that I need to ALWAYS seek revelation to know where to go and who to teach. Soooo sorry I can't send pictures this week. The files on my memory card are hidden and I have to go to a different cyber next week because there's a guy who can unhide the files. So pics to come next week! Also, I'm probably just gonna have to respond to everyone's personal emails the week after from now on. Love you all! Hope you have a cool spiritual experience this week as your excercise your faith to pray for specific desires and are willing to give God something in return!
Con amor, Hermana Hawkins

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