Sunday, November 2, 2014


Dear family and friends,
     Guess where I´m writing you from?! My new area of Jinotega (in Matagalpa)!! As I said before... I never repeat myself. Just kidding haha. As I said before, I didn't expect to have transfers. I thought I would be staying here another too change to finish training Hermana Castillo, but what to my surprised when the ZLs announced I would be going to Matagalpa! I was super excited because I've been wanting to go there because I'd heard it's really pretty. In Acome, there were four sister: Hna. Castillo and I, Hna. Arguetta and Hna. Colado. Hna. Arguetta and I were transferred and Hna. Colado will be finishing training Hna. Castillo and they're closing our area and putting in elders. When I heard that, I felt bad thinking president didn't see me as fit to finish Hna. Castillo's training and that he closed our area and reopened it because we weren't having success. But turns out, the stake president had wanted a pair of elders. And when I got to Managua for the changes, I found out I'll be finishing the training of another sister- Hna. Gubler- who's from Utah! My first american comp! I'm so excited! I think we'll have a lot of fun together. She's a cute, charismatic blond from Tooele, Utah. She did show choir in high school too and loves to read and watch movies. She did a year at BYU as well. Also, she's certifiably insane because she doesn't like chocolate, but it's ok, I forgive her. More chocolate for me!! Woohoo! She's the oldest of four kids and her whole family is members. She loves Disney and we decided we're doing the Disney College Program together when we get off our missions. Jinotega is beautiful! It's in the mountains and the weather is COOL! I'm so grateful to be out of the hot, hot Chinandega sun. If feels sooooo nice here! But I'll probably want to put a coat cuz I here it gets really cold here sometimes. Our house is nice and comfortable. I'll miss the beautiful house in my old area, but this one is good. Oh, and did mention that I'm opening an area?! It's been over 6 months since there have been sisters here. Before there were 2 elders in a huge area, but now they divided it and put us 2 sisters in. It's a branch that has been dropping in attendance, but we hope to double the attendance while we're here. I think it will be fun to open an area because everything is so new and there is so much potencial and I'm just downright excited! Everthing went well with Gabriela's baptism and she was confirmed Sunday in church. And she already offered to accompany us to lessons so she can share her testimony! Awesome! More to come next week! Love you all!  Hermana Hawkins

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